Tag: Temperature

Importance of temperature on plant growth

Temperature 68°f – 85°f

Needed Equipment to Monitor: (analog) Thermometer or (digital sensors w/ logging): My Smart Grow Multi-sensor

Needed Equipment to control: Air conditioner, and or Heater, Tent with inline Fan, combined with the My Smart Grow system

As general rules say, keep the grow environment at a 10 degree variable range.  Allowing night temperatures no lower than 68°f , (the plant will stop or slow overall growth tremendously at low temperatures). At the same time, do not allow the daytime temperature get any higher than 85°f, (or you will “heat stress” the plant which will stop growth without additional Co2 supplementation and possibly damage plant cells irreversibly).

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Time to focus on HUMIDITY!


Needed Monitors:

(Good) Hygrometer

(Better) Monitor with switched fan Controller

(Best) Dehumidifier/Humidifier and a My Smart Grow system

(Free) Web tool: http://www.dpcalc.org/

The Humidity of the environment is represented by Relative Humidity %.  A higher percentage means that the air-water mixture is more humid. This is variable by different temperatures and pressure of the air. It requires less water vapour to attain high relative humidity at low temperatures and more water vapour is required to attain high relative humidity in warm or hot air and. 

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